Contexts of Virtual Training: Encourage Performance of Computer Engineering Students in Electromagnetism Laboratory Practices

  • Carlos Álvarez Departamento de Física, Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Raúl Ortiz Departamento de Física, Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, Camagüey, Cuba.


In this paper are exposed the didactic actions that were implemented in order to improve the way in which students carry out laboratory practices of Electromagnetism. For this experimental study were selected different physical processes of the great concern for Computer Engineers in formation. To support the preparation, performance, and valuation of the results in the laboratory practices a website was created with simulations that approach  to  the  content  of  the  real  experiment  to  carry  out, and which symbols agree favorably with the learning styles of the same ones. This study was developed during the academic period 2007-2010. The progress reached by the learners was veried concerning the tools and accessories selection, oral explanation  of  the  theoretical  referents,  operation  performance time spent, technological tool employment, and the communication of aftermath.

Dec 5, 2011
How to Cite
ÁLVAREZ, Carlos; ORTIZ, Raúl. Contexts of Virtual Training: Encourage Performance of Computer Engineering Students in Electromagnetism Laboratory Practices. Revista Cubana de Física, [S.l.], v. 28, n. 1E, p. 1E89-1E93, dec. 2011. ISSN 2224-7939. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.