Lattice-Boltzmann Study of the Wind-Driven Dynamics of Shallow Sea Water

  • R. Martín-Barrios DynAMoS (Dynamical processes in Atomic and Molecular Systems), Faculty of Physics, University of Havana, 10400 Havana, Cuba
  • Aliezer Martínez-Mesa DynAMoS (Dynamical processes in Atomic and Molecular Systems), Faculty of Physics, University of Havana, 10400 Havana, Cuba
  • Llinersy Uranga-Piña DynAMoS (Dynamical processes in Atomic and Molecular Systems), Faculty of Physics, University of Havana, 10400 Havana, Cuba


The Lattice-Boltzmann method is a powerful tool to simulate fluid dynamics in complex geometries. In this work, this algorithm is applied to the modeling of wind-driven flow of shallow sea water in interaction with the shore and the seabed. The macroscopic fluid properties (velocities, pressure) are computed as moments of the particle distribution functions. The present two-dimensional implementation allows to investigate the influence, on the equilibrium velocity-field of the sea, of the various parameters determining the topography of the shore for two different coastal models. The effect of the variations of the average density and pressure of the liquid, and the wind velocity on the steady flow under the surface of the sea is also addressed.

May 6, 2018
How to Cite
MARTÍN-BARRIOS, R.; MARTÍNEZ-MESA, Aliezer; URANGA-PIÑA, Llinersy. Lattice-Boltzmann Study of the Wind-Driven Dynamics of Shallow Sea Water. Revista Cubana de Física, [S.l.], v. 35, n. 1E, p. E4-E7, may 2018. ISSN 2224-7939. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.