Study by Raman Spectroscopy of the Induced Radiation Damage in GaAs:Cr Exposed to 20 MeV Electron Beam

  • A. Leyva-Fabelo Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnol´ogicas y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), Havana, Cuba & Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • D. Leyva-Pernía Instituto Superior de Tecnolog´ıas y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC), Havana, Cuba
  • J. A. Rubiera-Gimeno Instituto Superior de Tecnolog´ıas y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC), Havana, Cuba
  • C. M. Cruz-Inclán Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnol´ogicas y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), Havana, Cuba
  • J. L. Valdés-Albuernes Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA), Havana, Cuba
  • V. Kobets Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • S. Abou El-Azmb Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • U. Kruchonak Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • A. Zhemchugov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • G. Shelkov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
  • A. Páez-Rodríguez Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA), Havana, Cuba
  • M. Mayeta-Aguilera Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA), Havana, Cuba


Raman spectroscopy has been used to search for evidence of possible radiation damage that takes place in a radiation detector based on chromium-compensated gallium arsenide semiconductor material when exposed to a 20 MeV electron beam. The Raman spectra measured before and after irradiation were deconvoluted and their intercomparative analysis demonstrate that important processes stimulated by radiation were certainly taking place in the material. These processes lead to the relaxation of the structure tensional state, the enhancement in crystallinity, and a decrease in the concentration of free carriers, which in the studied sample volume reaches 2.31%. The observed changes should be related to the generation of new Frenkel-type defects in the arsenic sublattice, and to stimulated by radiation changes in the quantity and quality of pre-existing more complex defects.

Jul 14, 2021
How to Cite
LEYVA-FABELO, A. et al. Study by Raman Spectroscopy of the Induced Radiation Damage in GaAs:Cr Exposed to 20 MeV Electron Beam. Revista Cubana de Física, [S.l.], v. 38, n. 1, p. 4-9, july 2021. ISSN 2224-7939. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.
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